Why Permaculture In Schools

  1. Children and the youth still have virgin brains and are open to learning nature friendly techniques. On top of this, they transfer this knowledge to their families at homes, enabling families to grow abundant nutritious foods.
  2. Schools are centers of knowledge, so it is easier to root this new practice in communities using schools as entry points.
  3. Every person in the community is connected to the school. I.e. A teacher, a former teacher, a parent/ guardian, a former student, (old boys and girls) a friend or an opinion leader. This makes schools the best entry points for permaculture in communities. 
  4. Schools are places where the present and the future meet. All the past and present leaders, teachers, doctors, scientists, e.t.c went through schools. But also all future, leaders, teachers, doctors, politicians, policy makers e.t.c. are in schools. This makes schools excellent vectors for rooting permaculture and other life changing practices amongst all change makers.


This makes schools excellent vectors for rooting permaculture and other life changing practices amongst all change makers.